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Little Acorns Child Care Centre

Mount Martha

80 place centre
Phone 03 5974 4568

4 Watson Rd,

Mount Martha VIC 3934


6 weeks - 18 months

The Little Acorns/Babies room is a 16-place room that caters for children between 6 weeks and 18 months.


Providing many sensory activities for all ages, focusing on their identity, development and following each individual child’s needs. The children enjoy participating in music and movement, independent and group learning, group times and indoor/outdoor play. Children who are unable to communicate verbally are promoted to use their key word signing skills to express their needs, in which reduces their frustration and strengthens relationships with their educators and peers. We also have a separate sleep room and individual communication books for each child to provide families with information on daily meals, nappies changes, bottle times and routines. 


18 months – 3 years

The Joeys room is a 20-place room that caters to children between 18 months to 3 years.

The Joeys room is all about the children being emotionally, socially, and physically ready for their new program. We incorporate a variety of age-appropriate activities and experiences to enhance your child’s overall development such as sensory play, arts and crafts, dramatic play, construction, and gross motor activities. 

In the Joeys, the children enjoy participating in music and movement, independent and group learning, physical education, basic maths and science activities, group times and indoor/outdoor play. 

We love to learn through play and cater to every child’s individual interests and abilities, as well as encouraging the children to explore their own feelings and respond to others. Children who are unable to communicate verbally are promoted to use their key word signing skills to express their needs, in which reduces their frustration and strengthens relationships with their educators and peers.

These crucial years continues to increase their cognitive, social, and emotional development, as they embrace the ability to learn new skills, enhance overall understanding of concepts, and effectively solve problems independently and within a group. We design the classroom environment to cater for every child’s learning style and interest, in attempt to promote their engagement and passion for learning. Throughout the year, your child will gradually learn the basic concepts and skills necessary for Kinder 3 such as basic maths and literacy, self-regulating their own emotions, have respect and responsibility for their environment, develop and follow classroom rules and routines and participate in scientific research and investigations. 


3 – 4 years

Our Kinder 3 room is a 22-place room that works extensively to prepare the children and ensure that they have the fundamental foundations required for our Kinder 4 Program. Our Kinder 3 program is developed by both of our qualified Kinder teachers (3&4) working together to focus on the strengths and challenges of the educational program, the abilities and interests of each child and current practices highlighted in the Victorian Early Years Learning Development Framework [VEYLDF] and the Australian Curriculum. 

We start the year off with perfecting the new skills that we have learnt in the Joeys room, so that we can positively begin our Kinder journey and challenge ourselves to become more confident and involved learners. The Kinder 3 room is a steppingstone in to the Kinder 4 room and will ensure that your child will be ready for the Kinder 4 program in the following year, as both rooms work effectively and collaboratively together to develop a Kinder 3 program that suits the needs and abilities of every child within the class. 


We encourage our children to seek passion and enthusiasm for their own learning through resources, activities, and experiments in an independent or peer group manner. We begin to introduce strategies that enhance their language, literacy and numeracy capabilities and present opportunities for the children to engage and explore their multiple intelligences. 

Our Bush Kinder program flows throughout our 2 Kinder rooms and highlights the importance of being connected to their world through sustainable practices and scientific experiments whilst in the outdoors. Our children are motivated to explore, ask questions, and research their findings to result in answers. We explore our Mornington Peninsula to engage with the community and our environment, develop a sense of autonomy and make sense of new information and learning concepts being taught. 

Mighty Oaks

4 – 5 years

Our Kinder 4 room is a 22-place room with a fully funded Kinder 4 program, which embraces a blend of various theoretical perspectives to enhance your child’s learning and development, and this is portrayed throughout their learning environment. At the start of the Kinder year, we make it our priority to get to know your child holistically and build relationships to ensure that their needs, abilities, and interests are met daily. We teach our children through intentional teaching moments and scaffold their learning through research, investigation, and collaboration to develop understanding and increase their passion to learn. 


We offer endless opportunities for the children to explore their environment and surroundings; facilitate their own learning, participate in our bilingual curriculum, engage in our school readiness program, as well as networking with their local community through regular incursions and excursions to promote a deeper understanding and awareness of their World. 

Our Bush Kinder program flows throughout our 2 Kinder rooms and highlights the importance of being connected to their world through sustainable practices and scientific experiments whilst in the outdoors. Our children are motivated to explore, ask questions, and research their findings to result in answers. We explore our Mornington Peninsula to engage with the community and our environment, develop a sense of autonomy and make sense of new information and learning concepts being taught.

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