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Little Acorns Child Care Centre

Frankston South


91 place centre
Phone 03 5971 2230

231C Frankston-Flinders Rd,

Frankston South VIC 3199


6 weeks - 12 months

The Little Acorns/Babies room is an 8-place room that caters for children between 6 weeks and 12 months. 

Providing many sensory activities for all ages, focusing on their identity, development and following each individual child’s needs.


The room offers indoor and outdoor play spaces as well as a separate sleep room. We also have individual communication books for each child to provide families with information on daily meals, nappies changes, bottle times and routines. 


12 months – 2 years

The Joeys room is a 16-place room that caters to children between 12 months to 2 years.

The Joeys room is all about the children being emotionally, socially, and physically ready for their new program. We incorporate a variety of age-appropriate activities and experiences to enhance your child’s overall development such as sensory play, arts and crafts, dramatic play, construction, and gross motor activities. 

In the Joeys, the children enjoy participating in music and movement, independent and group learning, physical education, basic maths and science activities, group times and indoor/outdoor play. We love to learn through play and cater to every child’s individual interests and abilities, as well as encouraging the children to explore their own feelings and respond to others. Children who are unable to communicate verbally are promoted to use their key word signing skills to express their needs, in which reduces their frustration and strengthens relationships with their educators and peers.


2 – 3 years

The Pinecones room is a 16 place 2–3 year room, where your child is encouraged to indulge in their senses and have a greater understanding of the world around them. These crucial years continues to increase their cognitive, social, and emotional development, as they embrace the ability to learn new skills, enhance overall understanding of concepts, and effectively solve problems independently and within a group.


We design the classroom environment to cater for every child’s learning style and interest, in attempt to promote their engagement and passion for learning. Throughout the year, your child will gradually learn the basic concepts and skills necessary for Kinder 3 such as basic maths and literacy, self-regulating their own emotions, have respect and responsibility for their environment, develop and follow classroom rules and routines and participate in scientific research and investigations. 


3 – 3.5 years

Our Pre-Kinder 3 room is a 15-place room for our 3 to 3.5 year old children that require a little bit more nurturing before jumping in to the Kinder 3 program that commences in Term 2. We start the year off with perfecting the new skills that we have learnt in the Pinecones room, so that we can positively begin our Kinder journey and challenge ourselves to become more confident and involved learners. The Pre-Kinder 3 room is a steppingstone in to the Kinder 3 or Kinder 4 room and will ensure that your child will be ready for either program in the following year, as both rooms work effectively and collaboratively together to develop a Kinder 3 program that suits the needs and abilities of every child within the class. 


Our Bush Kinder program flows throughout our 3 Kinder rooms and highlights the importance of being connected to their world through sustainable practices and scientific experiments whilst in the outdoors. Our children are motivated to explore, ask questions, and research their findings to result in answers. We explore our Mornington Peninsula to engage with the community and our environment, develop a sense of autonomy and make sense of new information and learning concepts being taught.


3 year old kinder

Our Kinder 3 room is a 15-place room catered for our
3.5-4-year-old children who are toilet trained and will be attending Kinder 4 the following year. 

The start of the year looks at strengthening our sense of belonging in the classroom and securing relationships between the children and their teachers before we commence the term. Throughout Kinder 3, we focus and enhance on our literacy and numeracy skills, participate in scientific experiments and investigations, and build on our self-regulation and resilience abilities through meditation and yoga.

We will create a diverse, learning environment that will stimulate, challenge and include all children and their differing abilities, to ensure that your child will become more confident and involved learners and will be ready for the Kinder 4 Program in the following year. 


Our Bush Kinder program flows throughout our 3 Kinder rooms and highlights the importance of being connected to their world through sustainable practices and scientific experiments whilst in the outdoors. Our children are motivated to explore, ask questions, and research their findings to result in answers. We explore our Mornington Peninsula to engage with the community and our environment, develop a sense of autonomy and make sense of new information and learning concepts being taught.

Mighty Oaks

4 year old kinder

Our Kinder 4 room is a 20-place funded Kindergarten room that caters for children who are going to school the following year. 

Our Kinder 4 program is developed and implemented by an experienced and qualified teacher who holds a dual degree in Early Years and Primary Education and blends a variety of theoretical perspectives and teaching pedagogies to ensure that your child is school-ready by the time they finish the year with us at Little Acorns. 

As a team and as individuals, our first priority is your child’s education and well-being.  At Little Acorns, we will work methodically to see that each child receives the greatest benefits of our educational program; that is responsive to individual children’s needs, and based on a thorough understanding of young children and their stages of development. 

In the Mighty Oaks, the most important goal of our early childhood program is to help children become enthusiastic learners so that they learn the skills necessary for their days to come at school. This means encouraging children to be active, creative and collaborative explorers who are not afraid to try out their ideas and to think their own thoughts. Our goal is to help the children become independent,
self-confident, and inquisitive learners that display a passion to learn.

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